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This library is designed to be highly customizable. You can customize the behavior of the library by providing your own implementations.

Custom HttpServiceArgumentResolver

HttpServiceArgumentResolver yourHttpServiceArgumentResolver() {
return new YourHttpServiceArgumentResolver();

Auto-detect all the HttpServiceArgumentResolver beans, then apply them to build the HttpServiceProxyFactory.

Change Client Type

There are many adapters for HttpExchange client: RestClientAdapter, WebClientAdapter and RestTemplateAdapter.

client-type: REST_CLIENT

The framework will choose the appropriate adapter according to the http client interface. If any method in the interface returns a reactive type (Mono/Flux), then WebClient will be used, otherwise RestClient will be used. In most cases, you don't need to explicitly specify the client type.


The connectTimeout settings are not supported by WEB_CLIENT.


Using HttpClientCustomizer, you can more freely customize the underlying Http client, such as setting up a proxy, setting up SSL, etc.

// For RestClient
HttpClientCustomizer.RestClientCustomizer restClientCustomizer() {
return (restClientBuilder, channel) -> {
if (Objects.equals(channel.getName(), "whichChannelYouWantToCustomize")) {
var httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder().build();
restClientBuilder.requestFactory(new JdkClientHttpRequestFactory(httpClient));
// For RestTemplate
HttpClientCustomizer.RestTemplateCustomizer restTemplateCustomizer() {
return (restTemplate, channel) -> {
if (Objects.equals(channel.getName(), "whichChannelYouWantToCustomize")) {
var httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder().build();
restTemplate.setRequestFactory(new JdkClientHttpRequestFactory(httpClient));
// For WebClient
HttpClientCustomizer.WebClientCustomizer webClientCustomizer() {
return (webClientBuilder, channel) -> {
if (Objects.equals(channel.getName(), "whichChannelYouWantToCustomize")) {
var httpClient = HttpClient.newBuilder().build();
webClientBuilder.clientConnector(new JdkClientHttpConnector(httpClient));

Deep Customization

If you're not happy with the autoconfigured Http client bean, you can configure it using the "original way".

If you manually create the Http client bean, the autoconfigured Http client bean will not be created.

interface RepositoryService {
Repository getRepository(@PathVariable String owner, @PathVariable String repo);

class RepositoryServiceConfiguration {
public RepositoryService repositoryService(RestClient.Builder restClientBuilder) {
RestClient restClient = RestClient.builder().baseUrl("").build();
RestClientAdapter adapter = RestClientAdapter.create(restClient);
HttpServiceProxyFactory factory = HttpServiceProxyFactory.builderFor(adapter).build();
return factory.createClient(RepositoryService.class);