📄️ @RequestMapping Support
Support to use spring web annotations to generate HTTP clients, e.g., @RequestMapping, @GetMapping, @PostMapping etc.
📄️ LoadBalancer
Support to work with spring-cloud-starter-loadbalancer to achieve client side load balancing.
📄️ Convert Bean to Query Parameter
In Spring Web/WebFlux (server side), it will automatically convert query parameters to Java Bean,
📄️ Dynamic Refresh
Support to dynamically refresh the configuration of clients, you can put the configuration in the configuration
📄️ Url Variables
You can use url variables to define the base url of the client.
📄️ Set Read Timeout Dynamically
Stop using this feature!
📄️ Native Image
Support GraalVM native image.
📄️ Customization
This library is designed to be highly customizable. You can customize the behavior of the library by providing your own implementations.