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Exception Handling

Provides spring-web like experience for gRPC server exception handling.


@GrpcExceptionHandler is used to define a method that handles exceptions, it's similar to @ExceptionHandler in Spring Web, and it must be worked with @GrpcAdvice.

public class ExceptionAdvice {
public StatusRuntimeException handleRuntimeException(IllegalArgumentException e, Metadata headers) { // You can inject request Metadata
return Status.INTERNAL.withDescription(e.getMessage()).asRuntimeException();

Method annotated with @GrpcExceptionHandler must return one of the following types:

  • io.grpc.Status
  • io.grpc.StatusException
  • io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException
  • Throwable


GrpcExceptionResolver is used to resolve exceptions thrown by gRPC services.

Implement GrpcExceptionResolver to process IllegalArgumentException:

public class IllegalArgumentExceptionResolver implements GrpcExceptionResolver {
public StatusRuntimeException resolve(Throwable throwable, ServerCall<?, ?> call, Metadata headers) {
if (throwable instanceof IllegalArgumentException e) {
return new StatusRuntimeException(Status.INVALID_ARGUMENT.withDescription(e.getMessage()));
return null;


GrpcUnhandledExceptionProcessor is used to process unhandled exceptions, which are not resolved by GrpcExceptionResolver.

This interface is generally used for exception reporting.

Send exception to Sentry when unhandled exception occurs:

public class SentryExceptionReporter implements GrpcUnhandledExceptionProcessor {
public void process(Throwable throwable, ServerCall<?, ?> call, Metadata headers) {