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Configuration Options

This is all the configuration options that can be used in the include-builder.yaml file.

branchMappingDir: .branch-mappings  # Directory to store branch mappings, default is '.branch-mappings'
trySameBranch: true # Whether to try to use the same branch as the project, default is false (global setting)
- id: httpexchange-spring-boot-starter # Optional
git: # Mark this project is a git repository, only one of git, dir, jar can be used
url: # Git repository URL
branch: main # Branch to use
path: third-party/httpexchange-spring-boot-starter # Download path, can be absolute path or relative to the root project
buildPath: . # Build path, default is '.', which means the root of the project
extraArgs: --depth 1 --single-branch # Optional, used for git clone if the path does not exist
trySameBranch: true # Whether to try to use the same branch as the project, use the global setting if not set
- dir: # Mark this project is a directory, only one of git, dir, jar can be used
path: ../another-gradle-project # Directory path, can be absolute path or relative to the root project
buildPath: . # Build path, default is '.', which means the root of the project
- jar: # Mark this project is a jar file, only one of git, dir, jar can be used
url: # Download file URL
path: libs/gson.jar # Download file path, can be absolute path or relative to the root project
downloadPolicy: IF_NOT_PRESENT # ALWAYS, IF_NOT_PRESENT (default), NEVER